Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Books and Songs from the Rachel Maddow Show

My article has broken into the Top 100 on all three subject levels!

Books and Songs from the “Rachel Maddow Show” (Current Season)


It is my #2 ranked lens AND it broke into the top 100 in the top level category of “Books, Poetry and Writing” today.

It is #4,456 Overall

It is #97 in “Books, Writing & Poetry”

It is #64 in “Books, Writing & Poetry >> Books”

It is #19 in “Books, Writing & Poetry >> Books >> Reading Lists”
Woot! Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Uh-huh [doing happy dance and those circle in the air thingies]

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Books and Songs from the Rachel Maddow Show

Books from the About the Books on the Rachel Maddow Show

The Rachel Maddow Show airs on MSNBC (9pm Eastern Time) Monday-Friday. The show, hosted by Rachel Maddow, is a daily news and opinion television program...

... The show usually features one or two guests during the 60 minute program and sometimes those guests are authors. Usually the author is there to provide commentary on the topic of the day, or to be interviewed because they are the topic of the day. Therefore, any plug of the author's writings are secondary to the author's pundit or news role.

Given that focus, it is understandable that there is no easy or concise way to find a list of the books mentioned or featured on the show. Trust me, I looked. I'm a librarian and I'm pretty good at finding information on the Internet, if it exists. There just isn't a list like that our there. Until now.

So, here for your enjoyment are a list of the Rachel Maddow Show Guests who are authors and their books... .

..if you watch the show regularly you'll hear a song played as the show goes to commercial or during the credits roll at the end. The name of the song, if one is going to be used in that night's show is released on the MaddowBlog. However, just as with the books, there is no single concise list of all the soundtracks.

Fear not, my fellow Maddow fans, I'm including them down below along with the books.

[ Read the Rest of the Article ]

Sunday, February 24, 2013

New post on Squidoo.com:

Updated 2-21-2013

Top Ten "Most Danced" Line Dances from the Kickit Line Dance Archives

Probably the best known and largest of the Line Dance Websites is Kickit.

Kickit has a section called "Survey Results" where all the data about the dances on the website is tabulated, including how many times a dance is danced by members of the website from around the world.

The complete "Most Danced" list on Kickit is much longer so be sure to check out the full list.

Kickit also has two other lists in their survey section: "Most Taught" and "Best Known"